For presenters

Abstract submission has been closed!

The IENE Conference Organizing Committee received over 200 abstracts that are beeing reviewed now.

The scientific program will include the following types of presentations:

  • Full Oral Presentations: 15 minutes presentation and 5 minutes for questions; abstract submission
  • Lightning Talks: 7 minutes presentations of key results + 3 minutes for a question; abstract submission
  • Interactive Sessions: formerly known as workshops; 1–1,5 hour sessions that focus on a specific topic/issue; the session may be attended by one or more presenters, the main organiser of the session must submit an abstract via abstract submission system
  • Poster Presentations: visual presentations that will be displayed for the entire duration of the conference. There will be a session dedicated to posters will allow in-depth discussions between authors and attendees. Abstract submission.
  • Plenary Presentations: invited presentations


Guidelines for submission of abstracts

Abstracts can only be submitted through the online portal and abstracts submitted by e-mail will not be considered.

To submit abstracts, you will need to create an account with your chosen email address and password. The same login will be used for the conference registration and payment. 
Abstracts can be viewed and edited until the submission deadline, April 18, 2024, after which modifications will no longer be possible. Abstracts must be submitted by the deadline – all unsubmitted drafts will be deleted and not considered for inclusion in the programme. 
You will receive a confirmation e-mail with an Abstract ID after you have submitted your abstract. Please refer to this ID number in all the correspondence regarding your abstract. If you do not receive this e-mail, please contact:

  1. Create an account here.
  2. Click “Submit your Abstract”
  3. Enter abstract title (max. 255 characters; only first letters and proper names capatalized)
  4. Choose abstract type: Full Oral Presentation, Lightning Talk, Theme Meeting or Poster
  5. Enter abstract text (max. 250 words)
    • Begin with a clear statement of the problem or objectives, give brief methods and major results, and end with a substantial conclusion.
    • Do not use vague statements such as "results will be discussed".
    • Figures, tables and illustrations may NOT be included in the abstract.
  6. Enter keywords (min. 1 word, max. 255 characters, separate terms using a semi-colon (;))
  7. Enter Institutional Affiliation(s) of all co-authors
  8. Enter authors list and affiliations (max 3 per co-author). Acknowledge the presenting author by ticking the box “Presenting”.
  9. Please acknowledge if agree to be recorded or streamed while presenting.
  10. Save the draft.
  11. When ready, submit by clicking green button “Submit Abstract”.

Rules for submission

Presentation type: Abstracts may be submitted for Full Oral Presentation, Lightning Talk, Theme Meeting or Poster Presentation. The IENE 2024 Conference Programme Committee will determine whether the abstract will be accepted for Full Oral Presentation, Lightning Talk, Theme Meeting or Poster Presentation with consideration given to the author’s preference.

Abstracts must be received by the announced deadline. Abstracts received after the deadline will not be considered.

All abstracts must be submitted and presented in clear English with accurate grammar and spelling of a quality suitable for publication.

Abstracts must be original.

Upon submission, the corresponding author confirms that the abstract has been reviewed and that all information is correct, accepts that the content of this abstract cannot be modified or corrected after final submission, and is aware that it will be published exactly as submitted. Submission of the abstract constitutes the authors’ consent to publication (e.g., in the Abstract and Programme Books, the IENE websites, etc.).

The corresponding author is responsible for informing the other authors about the status of the abstract.

The reviewers will assess all submitted abstracts. Notification of acceptance and information regarding presentations will be forwarded to the corresponding author (the same person who submitted the abstract) immediately after the reviewing process by e-mail. Detailed instructions for further preparations will be included in these e-mails.

It is mandatory for the presenting author to register for the Conference during Early Bird call (the end of April) and settle the payment. The payment should be processed after the notification of abstract acceptance is received by the end of May as the latest. This fact will ensure abstract inclusion into the final Conference Programme.

The Organizing Committee reserves the right to withdraw any abstracts that do not meet the scientific standards at any point before or after acceptance and subsequent publication in the Abstract Book.

IENE 2024 Organizers

Czech University of Life Sciences Prague
Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic
IENE 2024


Transport Research Centre
HBH Projekt - consulting engineers
Ředitelství silnic a dálnic ČR
Ochrana dravcov na Slovensku

